Thursday, 8 October 2009

Semiotic Analysis of a music magazine

  • This is a picture of a front cover of an NME music magazine and I will be giving a semiotic analysis on it.
  • The cover has quite a simple colour scheme using mainly red, black and white in order to contrast and highlight certain aspects of the magazine.
  • The title and name of the magazine (NME) is at the top of the page in big red letters. This is the same in every NME magazine making the red letters with white outlining NME's sort of trademark. The title is very clear which is essential as it is a well known music magazine.
  • The main article the magazine is aiming to interest the reader with is "the return of kasabian". Again the writing is highlighted by using red and white colouring, two contrasting colours to highlight how important this specific aspect of this magazine is.
  • The picture of the band Kasabian in the background shows them literally leaning over one of the letters of their band name. The great big picture catches the readers eye and makes the reader really want to know about that particular article.
  • The bands that are mentioned in the articles that are in the magazine are there to invite a specific audience to this magazine. All the bands mentioned are all types of indie/rock bands which in turn would interest a specific audience that listen to this particular music.
  • The type of font for the word "INSANE" and the fact that in that specific article the font changes after every few words makes this article stand out as it is quite irregular. This inturn represents how big it is that this album has come out and creates a sense of suspense as the reader will want to know what happens in the article.

1 comment:

  1. What you have written is veryt clear and effective and you show understanding of the forms and conventions of magazine covers. It would be interesting if you could also explore the audience demographic tha this magazine is appealing too - who likes Kasabian, if you like.
