Thursday, 5 November 2009

case study of a specific magazine

Heat Magzine - 22 - 28 august 2009

This magazine's cover almost suggests it could well possibly be a magazine made for men as the pictures of famous women in bikinis. Even so, the headlines about the gossip inside the magazine shows that this magazine is intended for women as the subjects of "lady Gaga" and "bikini specials" obviously would be of the interest of women.
With the article about Lady Gaga they use imagery to make the reader be drawn in to that article and want to read on. With the use of celebrity pictures, showing bad photos and sometimes quite embaressing pictures the editor of these magazines inturn makes the female reader, this magazine is intended for, highly intrigued in the collumns and articles in the magazine.
The title of the magazine also adds to the type of articles are inside the magazine. The word heat as this magazine cover referrs to the "hot gossip" revealed inside the magazine.
The fact there are numerous little titles of articles on the cover means that the magazine is made to be seen more interesting as there is a variety of subjects to read about.
There is the gossip, which is seen in the three mini articles at the top on the left an right and in the bottom right. There is also articles about womens fashion and what celebritys are wearing. Alot of women that read these types of magazines buy the clothes in the magazines as they see celebritys wearing them in turn wanting them to own those items.

1 comment:

  1. interesting comments on appeal to both men and women. Heat is quite an interesting hybrid magazine combining music etc with ( a lot of) celebrity gossip. Is this an approach you would be interested in for your magazine?
